Hi Mike,
Yes me
ole' mucker. You've done it again haven't you, and I bet like me other
ole' mucker RCH you will not admit to being wrong and retract.
Valve on Mars ?
that the whole valve thing that you wet yourself over and ran with has
been perfectly explained how will you wriggle out ? - Wait I know, you
will say you are correct and NASA are wrong and they are trying to cover
things up even when good guys are leaking stuff like crazy. Your
standard bullshit Mike, we are all wise to it.
You must be
about as humiliated as Hoagland was with his two inch high Martian
apartments. You remember I am sure. Oh, and Hoagland never admitted to
being wrong about that either. Instead he said, the physics had changed
and it would be possible to have wee tiny 2 inch tall Martians.
Seriously Hoagland get the fuck out of Dodge. Nano seconds earlier he
was telling people that the face on Mars was a structure that was
massive - on the scale of a mile or more. Now he wanted us to believe it
was built by two inch high Martians.
Bloody clownhats. Such
abject idiocy entangled with such contempt for ones readership, coupled
with a complete lack of understanding of the most basic physics.
Can you spot the big fat fucking lie in the below statement from yourself ?
"My Ancient Aliens buddy Jason Martell has suggested this could be a Rock Abrasion Tool (RAT) mark left over from
drilling on the rock
. I initially considered this but dismissed it for
several reasons, although I should have probably brought it up in my
initial post."
Pants in an advanced state of
combustion big time Bara. You absolute liar. I'll tell you what
happened. You wet your panties and ran with it without checking the
facts. Then your mate Martell comes along with a suggestion that you
said you had already considered and then dismissed. What a whopper.
Karma won't like that Mike. No she wont at all.
Kindest Regards
*ps* I hope the $247 you made from your last lie-a-thon keeps the repo men from the door.